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Navigating the State "Systems" is a complex, confusing and frustrating process. Many parents feel overwhelmed because they do not know where to find the help their children need.  Parent Support Arizona was founded to Support families.  We do this by providing direct complex care management; connecting parents with well trained and well vetted advocates; helping families identify resources to better understand and meet their child's needs; and supporting families with special needs children so that they know they are not alone.  As a parent you must be educated, empowered and equipped to advocate for your child’s needs.  Parent Support Arizona is the help you have been searching for.



Parent Support Arizona contract's with advocates who provide education, developmental disability and behavioral health advocacy  to families with special needs children in most major public systems.  This includes the public education system; foster care system; State developmental disability system, "DDD", and the behavioral health system. 


Is your child struggling in school?  Do you have concerns about their academic performance?   Are social skills or bullying a concern?  Are they being suspended or sent home for behaviors?  Does your child have a developmental disability or experience mental health or behavioral health challenges? Please click the link below for more information about our advocacy services.​



Have you searched for information about your child's diagnosis, disability's or unique needs? Have you found it difficult to find people to talk with who understand your concerns & fears? Are you struggling to find local professionals who can complete evaluations or provide services?  Do you need more information about the State's systems or want to attend training's to help you better support your child?  Parent Support Arizona can help.  Please click the link below to visit our resource page. â€‹

Support​ & Training

Parenting is a challenging job and for parents of children with special needs it often feels like they have the weight of the world on their shoulders.  This causes tremendous stress, strained relationships and isolation.  As parents and family members of special needs children we can confidently say you will get through this.  For more information about the support programs we offer please click the link below.

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