Special Education and Disability Resources
Have you searched for information about your child's diagnosis, disability, or unique needs? Have you found it difficult to find people to talk with who understand your concerns & fears? Parent Support Arizona has identified a comprehensive list of resources that can help.
Can't find resources for your specific situation? Please contact us for assistance with identifying resources to assist your family.
All Schools Consulting (School Search Consulting) - http://www.allschoolsconsulting.com
Phoenix Children's Hospital's Emily Center (Disability Resources & Information) - www.theemilycenter.com
Children's Disabilities Information - www.childrensdisabilities.info
U.S. National Library of Medicine - https://www.nlm.nih.gov
Cerebral Palsy Guide (Resources for disabilities caused by Physical Birth Injuries
- https://www.cerebralpalsyguide.com
Prader-Willi Syndrom Association - www.pwsausa.org
Understood (resourced for learning & attention issues - https://www.understood.org/en
LD Online, (resources on learning disabilities for educators - http://www.ldonline.org/
National Center for Learning Disabilities - https://www.ncld.org/
International Dyslexia Association (national resources) - www.dyslexiaida.org
Decoding Dyslexia Arizona - (local resources) - http://www.decodingdyslexia-az.com/
Bright Solutions for Dyslexia, (resources and research) - www.brightsolutions.us
Video - What is Dyslexia - http://www.dys-add.com/videos/dyslexiaSymptomsSolutions_Part01.html
Fact Sheet - Warning Signs for Dyslexia - http://www.dys-add.com/resources/RecentResearch/DysWarningSigns.pdf
Resources for Parent of Dyslexics - www.DyslexicHelp.org
A.D.H.D. / A.D.D.
CHADD, (resources on A.D.H.D.) - http://www.chadd.org/
Attention Deficit Disorder Association, (resources on A.D.H.D.) - https://add.org/resources/
Guide for Newly Diagnosed - https://add.org/new-to-adhd/
ADDitude Magazine - (informative articles on ADD and A.D.H.D.) - https://www.additudemag.com/category/parenting-adhd-kids/positive-parenting/
American Academy of Pediatrics "Health Children" (resources for parents) - https://www.healthychildren.org/English/health-issues/conditions/adhd/Pages/Understanding-ADHD.aspx
Arizona Autism United - https://azaunited.org
Association for Science in Autism (ASAT) - (information on autism interventions) - http://www.as-az.org/online-tools-for-families-and-providers/
Autism Society of Greater Phoenix - http://phxautism.org/
Autism Society of Southern Arizona - http://www.as-az.org/
Autism Speaks - http://www.autismspeaks.org/family-services/resource-library/online-learning-tools-software
AZ Assist, (support for adults with autism) - http://azassist.com
The Gentry Foundation for Autism - https://thegentryfoundation.org/
Southwest Autism Research & Resource Center - www.autismcenter.org/
Beach Center on Disability, (Mental Health Disability Information) - www.beachcenter.org
Bring Change 2 Mind, (resources to combat mental health stigma) - www.bringchange2mind.org
Child and Adolescent Bipolar Foundation - www.bpkids.org
Children’s Mental Health Network, (weekly news and analysis on children's mental health issues) - www.cmhnetwork.org
National Child Traumatic Stress Network - ​http://www.nctsn.org/
Parent to Parent USA, (emotional and informational support for parents) - http://www.p2pusa.org/